Production Quality Test System-SigMA

SigMA is a smart real-time quality test system based on machine hearing technology for reliable inline and end-of-line qualification tests. It supports signal input of 8 or more channels. Sound and vi-bration signals togther with the tacho signal are analyzed to objectively assess the test object's NVH performance,acting as a safeguard of the quality of outgoing products.
1、Comprehensive Quality Control
The powerful system supports quality evaluation based on multiple indicators, including conventional 1D time domain,frequency domain, and angular domain indicators; 2D time domain, frequency do-main, and angular domainindicators,color map and other indicators; as well as more powerful functions as shaft synchronous analysis.
2、 Intelligent Defect Localization
With strong analytical capabilities,SigMAeffective-ly intercepts products, which sound quality does not meet the predeterminedrequirements,from flowing into the market, helps engineers to quickly locate defective components for convenient and fast repairs, as well as to analyze the root cause of failures, ensuring the quality while enabling a sys-tematic approach to quality assurance.
3、Fully Automated Tests and Real-time Evaluation
SigMA is able to communicate with test benches and operate unmanned.Communication modes in-clude HTTP protocol,TCPprotocol,serial communi-cation,CAN bus,etc.
4、Big Data for Trend Prediction
Quality management is not just about passively eliminating defective products.SigMA saves the
acoustic fingerprints and test data of each product, which allows engineers to conduct big data analysis to predict the quality trend of product batches and resolve structural quality problems.
5、Original Sound Playback
Abnormalies are sometimes transient and may not necessarily recur. Yet they are by no means neglib-igle. With SigMA's denoising and playback features,engineers are now able to to replay the original track and replicate test conditions for subjective and qualitative evaluations.
6、B/S Software Architecture
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